
Ceramics and its Dimensions: Shaping the Future – partners: 


Leading partner:
Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture / Helsinki / Finland.
Aalto University is a multidisciplinary university merging science and technology, design and art, and business and economics and the School of Arts, Design and Architecture (AaltoARTS) is one of its six schools . In autumn 2018 AaltoARTS moved to a new Väre building located in the new Otaniemi campus area. The former home of the school was at the old Arabia ceramics factory building in Helsinki. The department familiarizes its students with the concepts and methods of the arts and sciences of design, with emphasis on communication and collaborative skills alongside specialist competencies. The students are able to compile individual packages of competencies combining studies common to different disciplines and to cross the boundaries of degree programs to meet the future needs of working life.



University of Ulster Belfast campus / Belfast / Northern Ireland. Ulster University is an institution for almost 27 000 students in four campuses. The University has six faculties which are computing and engineering, life and health sciences, social sciences, business, art and art, design and built environment. The Belfast School of Art is located in the heart of Belfast and is concentrated in contemporary art and design.



Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee / Berlin / Germany. Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee was founded in 1946 by students close to the Bauhaus movement. The foundation for its combination of theory and practice in the curriculum was laid more than 50 years ago and is still relevant today. One of the first headmasters of the institution was the ceramist Jan Bontjes van Beek (1899-1969). Some 850 students find their education now in the Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee and the school offers education in design, visual communication, fine arts, art therapy, art theory and history.



An invited partner:
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts / Copenhagen / Denmark.
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (KADK) is concentrated in architecture, design and conservation. The academy combines three different fields of knowledge: academic research, artistic research and professional practice.